Simply request a consultation with a notary within 48 hours

Do you have a specific assignment or issue for a notary, but this assignment is not listed in our overview? Then request a consultation and the notary will contact you within 48 hours.

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Consultation with notary

Speed 48 hours
€ 99
excl BTW
Start your application

How the online application works:

  • Fill in the details of the application online
  • Make the payment for the intake interview €99,-
  • Contact within 48 hours to schedule appointment

Contact with notary:

  • Telephone appointment with notary
  • Discuss situation and questions
  • Quotation for follow-up order (without obligation)

Follow-up assignment notary:

  • Fixed fee for follow-up assignment
  • Consultation costs (€99,-) will be settled

Online arranged in 3 steps

  1. We have negotiated a temporary deal with the service providers on our platform especially for you. Through this special Firm24 deal you can request an assignment at a competitive rate.
  2. Start the application for your choice. Go through the online process and fill in the information online. In this way, the notary receives an efficient file and you immediately save on costs.
  3. Your request has been well received! Via the online dashboard you always have 1 on 1 contact with the notary. He will contact you for the next steps.

Our customers rate us with a 9.5

Below you will find the most recent reviews from our customers independently collected by Kiyoh.

“Efficient, fast, and pleasant”
Kristijan Bozadjiev
“Super helpful and transparent.”
“the advisor is very experienced, and give good suggestion”
“Romeo was very kind and have delivered all the information I needed and more.”
Igor Sutton
“I asked questions about converting my sole-proprietorship to B.V.. The information i got from the other firm was totoally incorrect so Firm24 explained and give right information.”
“Very helpful on the phone and explaining everything in details. Highly recommended”
“The call today was short and informative. Looks like I have gotten all relevant information per email, so all good.”
“The call went smoothly and the experience was great overall”
View all 4.225 customer experiences

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Happy entrepreneurs, that's our drive


David Arnoux - Growth Tribe

“I don’t usually give 5/5 ratings but for Firm24 I can’t resist. Their prices are extremely competitive. We ran a 20 company comparison before contacting them and they had some of the most affordable pricing. After we signed with them we faced no bad surprises or hidden costs. Communication is also perfect, we get answers when we send emails, replies to our phone calls and clear instructions. 


Manon van Essen - Magnioni

“When I wanted to start my own business I was afraid that it would take too much time and that it would be too expensive. But when I decided to go with Firm24 all my struggles were solved and taken care off. They showed me that it can be done fast, organized and easily. This made it very inexpensive which I very appreciate!”


Patrick de Nekker - Earth Water

“Before I started my BV I still had questions regarding the whole process of starting a BV. When I contacted Firm24, they gave me personal service including good tips and points of attention. Next to that they had a very clear work process and well-connected notaries. I will definitely recommend Firm24.”

Not quite getting it right? We are here for you.

Thanks to years of experience, we know how to help entrepreneurs with the right advice.

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Sales team Firm24